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Graph Information

This graph shows information about the cpu frequency scaling of your CPU(s)

Field Internal name Type Warn Crit Info
800000 KHz freq_800000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 800000 KHz
900000 KHz freq_900000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 900000 KHz
1000000 KHz freq_1000000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1000000 KHz
1100000 KHz freq_1100000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1100000 KHz
1200000 KHz freq_1200000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1200000 KHz
1300000 KHz freq_1300000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1300000 KHz
1400000 KHz freq_1400000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1400000 KHz
1500000 KHz freq_1500000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1500000 KHz
1600000 KHz freq_1600000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1600000 KHz
1700000 KHz freq_1700000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1700000 KHz
1800000 KHz freq_1800000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1800000 KHz
1900000 KHz freq_1900000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 1900000 KHz
2000000 KHz freq_2000000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 2000000 KHz
2100000 KHz freq_2100000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 2100000 KHz
2200000 KHz freq_2200000 gauge     Time cpu0 spent (percentage) running on 2200000 KHz
Average speed of cpu cpu0 cpuspeed_avg gauge     Average speed of cpu cpu0 scaled to a percentage